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Re: Tough Times

Wow that's fantastic @Zoe7. Have you painted something specific on the wall? 
anxiety is starting to take over now. Can't control it any longer. I'm so tired but can't sleep. Feeling very agitated. 
Im listening to some music hoping it will help calm everything down. 

Re: Tough Times

No just painted my loungeroom @Lee82 I started renovating it 4 years ago so have finished the plastering and painted everything. I still have some of the trims to go but should get that done tonight - with a second coat on a couple of areas tomorrow.


I hope the music helps calm you down a little Hon - anxiety is horrible, especially when it stops us sleeping. Do you have a nightly routine you follow?

Re: Tough Times

Nice work @Zoe7. Bet your looking forward to sitting in lounge tomorrow  looking around at all that you have accomplished. Renovating is a big job and a slow process but extremely rewarding. 👍


Re: Tough Times

It has actually worked out better than I envisaged @Lee82 I was afraid the colour of the trims would be too dark but it is perfect so I am very happy. I'll do the dining room next holidays then the bedrooms in the christmas holidays. I still need to clean up and put everything back but should have that all done tomorrow - then I can relax for a couple of days before I head back to work.


Do you have anything planned for tomorrow? More cooking and/or walking?

Re: Tough Times

I know I started this thread only today but I will be stepping away from the forum for a while. I kind of feel I maybe made some people fell uncomfortable which I really hope they believe me when I say that was so not intention. I'm so sorry. I only ever wanted some support and maybe be able to give some support back. All I wanted was to make some friends who can understand me and not feel so very alone. 
I hope that this thread will maybe be the beginning of other people's connections and friendships. 
Thank you to all that have supported me @Zoe7 @Appleblossom @Snowie @Former-Member @Shaz51 @Sans911 @Angels333 

Re: Tough Times

@Lee82 What other people feel is their issue Hon - not yours. If you want/need support then you should feel comfortable receiving that - and if anyone else does not respect that then that is entirely their problem. You have every right to be here and receive that support, connect with others and feel you are amongst people how get it and you are not alone. You are not alone Hon - I am more than happy to be here with you and support you and please hear me when I say you both deserve and are welcome here Heart

Not applicable

Re: Tough Times

It's a hard gig navigating the forums @Lee82 , but what @Zoe7  said is so true. You deserve and have every right to be here. While things may have gone astray a little, your support has helped me through so really tough moments. You should give you self the chance to be supported by the members here. Please be safe tonight be gentle with yourself and check in here with your friends. 💖🦋

Re: Tough Times

Hey @Lee82

People are going to uncomfortable here in the forums. They're dealing with mental illness and sometimes barely getting by. That doesn't necessarily mean they are uncomfortable with you personally. And you aren't responsible for what, how or why people react in a certain way. That doesn't mean that we act irresponsible here or without thinking of others feelings. But from what I have seen of your interactions with others has been warmth, compassion, understanding and genuine kindness. Those are beautiful qualities that not everyone has.

People talk about very sensitive issues here. And that's OK because it's a space where we need to feel comfortable to be vulnerable and open. That sometimes makes others uncomfortable. But there is a choice too to not read or subscribe to those discussions which make you feel uncomfortable. And I know no one ever intends to make people feel uncomfortable. But it happens.

You have every right to receive support, and to share what you want to share. I do understand how hard is to tread the fine line here. At times I have upset others unintentionally. And yes, it feels awful. And I question my right to be here. And sometimes I go away for a few days, and I come back calmer.

I'm sorry if I've not been here to support you in the last few days. I do read most of what you post, but I'm struggling a lot myself. I'm still supporting you, just at a distance.

Re: Tough Times

Hi @Lee82. Sorry you seem to be having a hard time on the forum. It can get tricky sometimes but from my experience it's worth continuing to try and work through any tricky that happens. The community here is really understanding and many of us have had experiences with misunderstandings or difficulties on the forum.

It is really hard to feel alone and there are many wonderfully supportive people here on the forum who understand what it feels like to be alone. It's great to see you started a new discussion and that people have come by to offer support. We all need that sometimes.

Hope you find it a bit easier soon.

Re: Tough Times


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