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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi everyone. I'm getting in early this week on the Friday Feast. This is to celebrate the fact that I cooked a proper pasta dinner last night. First time in a long time, coming out of my hopeless funk with domestics. The main ingredients are tuna, parsley, lemon, garlic, parmesan and butter. The picture is not mine, just something I found on the web that approximates what I cooked and am sharing with you. Happy Friday night all!

Lemon and Tuna Pasta

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Mazarita, you should not have told us, i would not have known the difference!!!!!


I am so glad you cooked a proper meal tonight, their is nothing mre beneficial to our MH than a good meal, yyyyyyyuuuuuuummmmmmmm!!!!


Tonight i am brining the desert for those of you who missed out on wendsday night.  date and wallnut slice.


Happy friday feast everyone!!!!!!!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Happy Friday all!


@Mazarita - that looks delicious!

I'm going slightly unhealthy tonight with this traditional Chicago deep dish pizza




Not my picture either 😞 I wish I could have brought some of this back from Chicago in my bag...

Do you have left overs for tonight @Mazarita ?

How was everyone's week?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Sounds yum @Mazarita .. can I borrow the recipe .. I am encouraging son to eat more fish etc.

Hi @Jacques

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hey @NikNik, my week has not been to bad, slept a lot, did some home renos i try to get out of the house for a few hours a day, only in the yard, but it helps.


Hi @Appleblossom, how are you tonight, got any plans with your son for some singing?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I did miss out on your date and walnut slice the other night so glad to be in on it this time. 🙂

@NikNik Yes, there are leftovers. It works well as a pasta salad the next day. Yum, pizza.

@Appleblossom Hello lovely, how are you doing? Your past stories about your son's efforts to get himself out of the non-cooking slump has inspired me too. It's a very easy recipe. Aside from cooking the pasta, the rest of it is done in a large pan with a bit of oil and a bit of butter to start with, chopped garlic, drained and 'flaked' tuna next (being still very slack I use tinned tuna), then a whole chopped up bunch of parsley (I prefer Italian). This all cooks quickly along with the pasta. Once pasta is cooked, drain and mix with tuna/parsley/garlic combo, throw in juice of a whole lemon, then some more butter, then parmesan cheese. Bob's your uncle. I used to make this a lot years ago and I still find it delicious and wholesome food.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I've had a bit of a bad week, sorry, I may end up being a downer...
Just got home from spending some time up at the farm, thought I'd pop in for a sec.
Gonna nick off now for a bit, I need a shower...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Oh @NikNik you are making me miss my oven ... we love pizza ...

Glad you were motivated .. I used to make a standard tuna pasta @Mazarita but I like the Italian touches .. canned tuna is still cheaper than fresh I think?? .. though sometimes I get a bulk freezer bag full of tuna steak... my son likes fresh salmon ... yeah sure dahling son not every week ...

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady. Hope you feel better after a nice shower. We're use to the ups and downs here. Always good to see you. 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi @Crazy_Bug_Lady Nice to see you .. I am feeling a bit flat too .. just had my shower for the day after cleaning house a bit. I am so lazy .. I cant see the point of showering in morning if I am going to get dirty ... or maybe I am just being efficient with water ...

Yes @Jacques son just came home and asked for a singing session ..after chicken salad and a session of Community .

He often asks but then doesnt feel up to it. .. I dont force it .. its totally up to him

He has pulled out of the opera chorus ... he didnt like the train travel or the artistic vision ...they wre doing Cinderella .. and I think we are both a bit over that myth as he have suffered being the poor relations in the ashes ... not all step stories are the same .. I dont know ..its done cant talk him into staying ... but he still is going to teacher .. he left an opening to return to chorus ... its day by day.. he had a piano student this week .. if that lasts it will be great .. lots of reality checking

so I will be off soon.

@Mazarita we are about the same age .. I have largely given up on the idea of a relationship ... but maybe one day ...  I dont have energy to put into being mucked around... still I like reading your posts ..Heart