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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I don't eat meat, so when we have family breakfasts I have egg and Vegimite on toast. It started as a joke (if you love Vegimite, try it with everything), but it is awesome!!!

Chips with cheese and gravy, with a little sweet chilli. Poutine, I think is the name the french gave it... there was a stall at the show that served it. OMG it was awesome.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Jacques I've not seen the add, but I'm curious, and agree that learning is wonderful thing... I think this means I'm going to give it a go! Will let you know what I think of it. 

@Crazy_Bug_Lady as @Appleblossom points out, remember that you're not your thoughts. Also, you are not someone else's thoughts or words. What they say, is not a reflection of you, but I think more so representative of who they are, what they know or don't know. I often wonder what can we do when we are confronted with such horrible horrible statements like this. Do we challenge people, or not say anything? I've done both. It's hard to speak out, and it's so hard not to say anything either. What do others think?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Yeah, we're back at the farm on Sunday. Got to sort through all our gear, everything is willy-nilly through four show boxes and a duffle bag. And we've got to wean this years calves, and vaccinate and so forth.

I will also need to pick my heifer soon. I worked out what I'll name my stud!

The hard part with me choosing and starting a stud is that I have spent so long planning and deciding I will end my life, that I can't really see myself with my own heifer, my own stud. It's a long-term thing. And I've never planned for a long-term thing.

I've never told anyone this. How do I even tell my boss, my friends at the farm, that *this* is why I have been putting chossing my heifer???

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

good night all, thank you for the nice night with friends.


@PeppiPatty, @CherryBomb, @NikNik, @Appleblossom, @Former-Member thank you all for the help and support for the past week, i really needed the support, you are all so kind.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Goodnight, @Jacques. Good to see you. 🙂

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Good night @Jacques, so much fun hanging out with you tonight! I am now on a food mission this weekend.Smiley Wink

@Crazy_Bug_Lady congrats on getting a heifer and a stud! That exciting news. Have you met him yet? It's tricky when people ask questions like this. What's your boss like? Do you feel comfortable sharing this with him? I think if you want to share this, be mindful of the extent of how much you share. For instance, if you're not wanting to give away too much you could say something like, 'I've not really thought of long-term comments because, I've had to deal with some personal issues.' Does that make sense?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_LadyYou dont have tell anybody else but us unless you think it would work out better for you.

"Readiness" is something I teach at the piano ... we often jump in before we are actually prepared ... sometimes it is good to survey the scene .. or piece of music ... and think about mood ... or whatever .. before you start.

Maybe you want to start small and viable and start when you are ready ... it doesnt really matter to the others .. it is your project.

Having my own studio for 13 years has been great ... (not that its a rip roaring success) it allowed me to make my own decisions based on my own values ... try out ideas ... its not my main reason for being though I love teaching and music. I struggled a lot with SI around the end of year concert and have stopped doing them ... thats ok .. we are living just fine and I dont have to schmooze people for my business which started to get annoying.

When you are at a stage that things seem viable you will know and thats all that matters.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Crazy_Bug_Lady I also just want to say that it's great to hear that you are making a commitment and taking on the heifer and stud. It's not only a commitment to caring for them, but yourself as well. If you do feel that thoughts of SI, start to creep back in, remember that it's important to talk about it with your supports. 

I hope we can get to see photos of your new heifer and stud. It's so exciting. You're getting cows, @chookmojo is getting chickens, @Former-Member has a rabbit, and we are a pride of lions... One happy zoo!

On that note, I'm signing off for tonight. Chat next time. Heart

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

So the farm I work at, the boss has said that rather than pay us (money) each year for working she gives each us a heifer (young female cow) and free agistment for up to three animals.

I don't know how to discuss it, I sorta said something about it a while back, and she promised she'd care for my heifer.

I suppose it's just that it's a bit scary to be making a long-term decision. That implies that I will be around. Long-term...

But in the midst of all my worrying, on Tuesday I came up with the name I have chosen for my stud.

It's "Kamarooka". It's an Aboriginal word that means 'wait a while'. Which I think is something important to me. To remind me to wait a while, don't do anything permanent.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

If we feel pushed we cant usually do as good a job anyway

Love that name ...Kamarooka ... western society has gotten out of kilter with time ... I always loved the Indonesian concept jam karet ... means rubber time ... hey ... whats the rush

Sweet dreams and many happy moos @Crazy_Bug_Lady ...