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Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

@Shaz51 this is a great way to apply the knowledge you have found through your research. Gently approaching your loved one when you can with the information is a useful skill. 

Do you find there are certain times that are easier to communicate these suggestions with your partner? Do you notice for instance that its easier to reflect and share when they are in a slightly better headspace? 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

I've just managed to log on here, and trying to work through the discussion posts, but I'm really keen to know if anyone has any experience with some sort of "intervention" with a loved one that didn't want help? Do these sorts of things actually happen, and can they work??

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Yes @Former-Member I find there are certain times that are easier to communicate these suggestions with my  partner, but also not too much , too quickly

it is easier to reflect and share when they are in a slightly better headspace, very true @Former-Member, I have tried printing the information out , but he wont read anything , so bit by bit over time I have suggested things but then I have to keep suggesting the same things over again

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

way to go @sbmc Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Hi @menundi83 - unforuntaely we are finishing up but I am glad you got online! In terms of intervention you may find it useful to look through the broader forums and even post your question to the community to get feedback Smiley Happy

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

It is time to wrap up everyone, but I want to thank you all for sharing and being open to ideas and thoughts on this subject area – it is not an easy one and I know it can be easy to say but in action can be hard to play out.


We have discussed a lot of challenges tonight and I just wanted to say how amazing you all are for getting involved tonight and finding out ways to help both yourself and your loved one.


you are a star.jpg


Is there one thing from tonight you can take away and try to apply to your current situation? Maybe make it a goal this week!


I’ve referenced a few quotes and there are some more great resources on this subject, including previous Topic Tuesdays we have done! So, I will leave this list here for you all for some further reading when you feel like it.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Thanks @Shaz51! I was just scrolling through to reply to your post about finding the right times to share what you know with your husband. It seems like you’re working really hard and respectfully to share in a way that works best for him. Such a challenging skill! Way to go to you too!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Thank you @Former-Member & everyone.

Much appreciated.

1) Working on, & continuing to work on healthy boundaries (that's a work in progress).

2) Listening Skills.

3) Doing helpful Research.

That's what I will take away with me...


Re: Topic Tuesday // Helping a loved one who doesn't want help // Tues 26 June, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Gaye1, I'd love to know the answer to your first question! The healthcare system here (I'm in NSW) seems quite flawed. A couple of times we've managed to get my sister close to a professional (GP's and Beyond Blue helpline), and they haven't taken her situation seriously 😞