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Loneliness when alone

It's been like this for a while, but it's something I can't really explain. 

I often feel alone when I am by myself and only when I am by myself. 

I can't stand it studying at home or whatever and need to go places to feel somewhat sane. 

*I am an only child and both my parents work*


People say that spending time alone is needed to relax, but I feel alone spending any time over 3 hours by myself. 



Re: Loneliness when alone

Aloneness is not something one can say EVERY body needs so much or this much time. It is an individual thing and a lot of social conditioning is involved as well. I am alone, I get lonely but I need more time alone than with others. This is neither the right way or the correct way, and of course over our life span this may alter.

So, you find being alone stressful for a length of go with that. if you are in a situation where you cannot readily remedy that, listen to music, have the tv on in the background ......or take a walk. Walking gets you into the outdoors, you see and hear stuff about you!


just a couple of thoughts on my part....


Not applicable

Re: Loneliness when alone

I fully understand that. I feel so alone when I'm alone. It's horrible. My biggest help which isn't the healthiest but I don't care is turning the TV on. The people on the TV are my friends and now I'm not alone

Re: Loneliness when alone

Being an only child would probably also drive a need for the company of others.  Do you have regular friendships or social catch ups?

I liked to catch public transport to help me feel connected to others ...

Loneliness is hard.

Re: Loneliness when alone

I find that when I feel alone or lost, to go for a walk in an area with people all around me, or to listen to music which captures your attention. To me, even just singing along to songs or humming and making noise makes isolation feel less suffocating or pressing

Re: Loneliness when alone

Yep the vocalisation is important.

When  I was at uni, I could go so long without talking that

i almost forgot how to speak ... its one of the reasons I have found singing so helpful .. but I only started singing relatively recently

Re: Loneliness when alone

I do have friendships.   But I get the feeling on loneliness fairly easily. 

It's just that  when i don't have contact with anyone after a period of time i feel incredibly lonely.  At times,  the loneliness can somewhat descend into depressing thoughts. Then I need to see someone again. 

It's kind of like a cycle. 

*Anything more than a day or two and I'll start to feel the loneliness creep back in again*

Re: Loneliness when alone

I can relate to that @merdasdasd
Even if it's just messaging someone, texting, calling someone, even a small conversation I find cheering.
And keeping those thoughts at bay is difficult, and Trying to distract yourself and even small mesaages mean a lot to me, and I hope it can make a difference for you too

Re: Loneliness when alone

Hi @merdasdasd

You can always jump on here 🙂
There's a great community of people here. We don't always just talk about the tough times, there's always a variety of conversations going on 🙂