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Re: Everything Birds

Hello @Former-Member Smiley LOL

I took the photo of the rainbow Parrott xx

But not the blue wren

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Re: Everything Birds

Hi @Shaz51, that makes sense, those little wrens are sneaky and so quick, truly my fav small bird. Did you say today was a couple of sad anniversary dates for you? I posted a poem for you on 'Let's Talk About Grief' thread for you., hope you don't mind. xox

Re: Everything Birds

Ohhh thank you @Former-Member, i will go and have a look Heart

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Re: Everything Birds


How stunning are these guys! Never actually seen one in the wild. How's your week @Shaz51 ? keeping ya feet dry?



Re: Everything Birds

After eating from my Loquot tree.



After a feed.jpg

Re: Everything Birds

This Male King Parrot sat in my Hibiscus Tree

Male King Parrot.jpg

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Re: Everything Birds

Hi @utopia, how are you pink Lady lol? Great shots! you get good birds at your place too, like me, less lonely with them around I find. Thanks xox

Re: Everything Birds

@Former-Member. That's the only time Ive ever had a King Parrot in my yard. We get them up on the mountains near me.

Cockies we get all the time. Heaprs of Blue birds and wrens etc nesting in my shrubs.

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Re: Everything Birds

@utopia, mmaybe your visiting g kingparrot is an escapee. Maybe put some fruit or seed & water out for him. I'm wondering if mine is a lost bird, he likes my bird bath. You're lucky you get the small birds, blue wrens especially, they're beautiful. We have a lot of turtle doves & pigeons  here:



Re: Everything Birds

bird and cat.jpg