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Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Thats ok @Snowie  πŸ’•

Hugs and hugs for you too. 

Silly  me has been over working it and doing things like lifting heavy items more then usual so its flared it all up. 

Have you got much on tomorrow?

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I'm back @outlander. Yes, they do removal and reconstruction in same surgery. Breast surgeons remove and plastic surgeons reconstruct. It's a big surgery of about 4-6 hours. Can't drive for a month and recovery is about 2-3 months.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Thanks @CheerBear. Luckily it's a localised cancer, not invasive so no nasty chemotherapy involved. If left alone it would become invasive.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

That is a really big surgery! @Sans911  do you know how long the wait list is? 

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

No I don't @outlander but it needs to be done quite soon so I expect about 3months more or less. Possibly Oct. I'll know more when I see the plastic surgeons. I've been given plenty of information to help me make a decision.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

How has your day been lil Sis @outlander? πŸ’— πŸ’—

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Hoping for sooner rather then later. Lots of squishy hugs @Sans911  πŸ’•πŸ’•


My day has been full of tests. Ive been worried heaps since  i spoke  with my gp yesterday. Shes already diagnosed hypertension and ia concerned  since it keeps going up in the 150s as well. Shes still getting me to do a 24hr bp machine but i can't  do that for another 4 weeks. Shes concerned  its secondary hypertension and has been throwing around the possibility of more serious things like adrenal tumours etc so ive done a few ultrasounds and bloods and things  today and i go and see her on friday foe the results. Fingers crossed its nothing. 

Not much sleep  last night and looking the same for tonight too with pop again 😩😩

Sorry  that was a ramble. 

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Rambles are a OK @outlander. It's good to get it out. More tests must be worrying and frustrating for you.

The lack of sleep must be frustrating & tiresome.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I dont think my body likes me very much @Sans911  im abit over tests but hopefully they are all clear. I know its precautionary  but jeepers. 


The lack of sleep is tiring but im use to it. I had to cut back abit on my new meds and my drs ok with it. They were making me to tired and getting hard to function. This dose does the job though so im ok with it. I was actually finding  that the more i slept  thr more tired i felt rather  then feeling better. Strange hey.. 


Do you have much on tomorrow? Is your sleep getting a little better? 

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

You've certainly been through enough tests as a young person. I hope eventually it all settles down for you @outlander

I had a medication that did something similar to what you're describing. I'm on half the dosage no and no problems.

My sleep is still :pile_of_poo: (I'm liking this emoji) but I can usually catch up with naps. My energy levels are improving a little as well.

Nothing on tommorow except some serious washing of duvets and blankets down at the laundrette. Maybe a poke around at a couple of op shops nearby. And some food shopping for me and the cats.

How about you?