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Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

mine too @Sans911 but im not even that interested in eating. hoping its not a virus or something coming on since ive been like it all day even the smell of things cooking have made me feel abit bleh.

im taking most of the day off i think, just have the drs and think itll be resting a little. suppose to be raining again tomorrow and dont feel like getting soaked waiting on horses again.
these med im on are making me feel abit like a walking zombie though. i have to be doing something otherwise i start to fall asleep.

a quiet day sounds good for you too

@Snowiebali sounds like an exciting place to go with the kids. suppose to be pretty cheap over there too. Never considered going to Vietnam but a good experience for D to do though, Lucky girl.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Wow lil Sis @outlander it's a big lake then. It sounds kinda nice where you are. Like the houses and suburbs aren't piled on top of each other.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

A day off or at least a less busy day will be good for @outlander.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Good evening @Appleblossom 💜💜

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Agree totally @Sans911 

Smiley Happy

@outlander  maybe you push yourself a bit hard ... its always hard to know ...

Smiley Happy

@Snowie The best view I had was driving on the freeway; striking white and grey cloud formations, with patches of blue and a rainbow.

Smiley Happy

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Sounds like we have all quieter days tomorrow @Sans911 @outlander 

I have to go to the gp but other than that just some chores around the house.

Was a culture shock for her @Sans911

Hopefully we can take them to Japan in January and go to the snow over there.

I have been to Japan about 15 years ago and I loved it.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Snap! @Sans911 

Smiley Happy

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

it is a big lake @Sans911
honestly i dont like where i live. the area where i live is being more built up by the day and is taking away alot of things esp the horse paddocks. in just this year within 20 minutes of me, 3 new suburb thingys have been built. the government gives me the shits though cause they keep building houses but no other medical resources. we have a major hospital in our area (plus one other which isnt that great) the latests stats show a minimum 4 hr wait which also includes critical patients so its quite worrying. fingers crossed they are going to build the third hospital instead of more houses like they had planned.
i love travelling about 2 hrs south of me. they dont have as many shops and things but its so peaceful and the water is so clear. we havent been for a few yrs but before we would go every july holidays and we would be able to watch the dolphins. they were almost close enough to pat. if i can find a pic ill share it with you if you like? its one of my favourite places to go.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Sounds like the entire city where I live @outlander. Even within my suburb lots of old houses are going and multiple units are being built because they are big old blocks. There is huge developments happening north and south, and houses are so close the roofs almost touch each other. We have a massive growth still happening & not nearly enough infrastructure to cope. Ambulance ramping is very common at most of the hospitals-sometimes there can be eight ambulances ramped at one time! If I had my way I would definitely live in the country. But because I have a government house I intend to stay here for many years to come. Love to see this other place you are describing.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Goodnight @Sans911 @outlander @Appleblossom and whoever else is around. Have taken my meds so hopefully will be asleep soon. I hope you all manage some sleep tonight Heart