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Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

treat sounds good. i cooked abit of fish but didnt like it at all so pop had it all.

wow thats alot of things done today, well done! its also good to hear your not as tired, but hearing you that even a small amount of work can be quite draining.

This ones a pic of the lake in my area, its one of the places i walk when i have the energy and isnt overrun by dogs. @Sans911 

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Sounds like you have had both very busy days @Sans911 @outlander 


We went out for an early dinner to one of our favourite malaysian places. Lucky the kids love that sort of food!!


Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

lucky you! @Snowie im glad you had a nice family dinner xo

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

That sounds like a nice family night out. Have you travelled overseas with your kids at all? @Snowie 


Mmm... My steak was yummo. This is the cats eyeing off my dinner. Note how close Jasper is.This is the cats eyeing off my dinner. Note how close Jasper is.


oh shame about the fish, and did you have anything for dinner? I recently learnt how to make Parmesan Crusted Fish. Very easy and delicious.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

It look like a very big lake to walk around @outlander. You're lucky to have that nearby. I have a lake nearby too, but it is quite small. Can walk it in about 20mins. Where I grew up in this city was a much larger lake. Lots of swans on that one.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

i cant see your pic yet @Sans911

i just had a piece of toast, i dont really feel like much. i dont normally eat fish anyway, never really liked it even when i was younger but pop likes it so make it sometimes

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Haha @Sans911 , Jasper is very close to you, must have wanted some steak too!!!

We have taken the kids to Bali and my daughter went to vietnam with her school. We are hoping to take them to Japan next.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Theres no way id walk the entire way round @Sans911 quite a few suburb/cities borderline this lake before it goes out into the ocean. from where im standing to the point across from me is about a 45 minute walk. the water isnt very nice to be honest, not till you get much further out into it. if i was to turn the camera around and face the other way (unfortunalty i cant do that) but you would be able to just see a few of the other suburbs nearby but they arent in walking distance and quite few of the areas arent suitable for walking through

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Cereal is often my go to evening meal @outlander. But I'm trying to make more of an effort.

Have you got a lot on tomorrow? What about you @Snowie

I've got a quiet day so I'll try to get some chores done like unpacking, emails and phone calls.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Japan is on my bucket list too @Snowie. I'm hoping to go in the next 5years perhaps. Your kids are probably at a good age for travelling.

Did your daughter enjoy Vietnam? It would have been quite a culture shock for her. There are many lovely areas to visit. I was there about 12 years ago.

Yes, Jasper was just about on top of my plate! He got a small peice of steak. He's been vomiting a lot lately so he's had extra food and treats pared back. Mr A didn't want any but he often refuses a lot of treats as Jasper sticks in face in to steal it. In the morning Mr A has a little cap ful of milk on the bench. Jasper doesn't get on the bench that often so Mr A is safe there.