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Re: The great yoga adventure

@TheVorticon. Lol. I often speed read & then realise I misread something wrong somewhere and had to go back to the start and reread slowly.
Now I'm picturing @Phoenix_Rising & @CheerBear wearing Yoda masks in yoga class. Lol

Re: The great yoga adventure

Just over two hours to go now and I am FREAKING OUT!!!!!! I am going to go and hide under my weighted blanket for a little while. Breathe Phoenix_Rising, breathe!!!!

@CheerBear I just got home from seeing (A). We had a super good session. I have a sneaking suspicion that having made an appointment with another psychologist will paradoxically improve my relationship with (A) and there is a good chance I will stay with her even though we still both know we aren't a great match and that she can't really help me with the trauma stuff. The value of stability and the way (A) rests her hand on my back all session cannot be under-estimated. We talked about how maybe I will have a few sessions with the new person, or someone else if that person isn't a good match, but (A) may very well stay my primary psychologist. I need stability more than anything right now.

Anyway, we talked about the yoga adventure and it turns out that (A) has been to the place that I am going to, which is strangely reassuring. We also talked about how if all I do is get there, and do absolutely nothing during the class, that will be ok too. So...all in all, I'm as psyched up as I'm ever going to be I guess. Smiley Happy

I hope you are feeling slightly less nervous than me @CheerBear...although...I'm telling myself that the bigger the scared feeling is before an adventure, the bigger the empowered feeling will be after achieving it. Yay for the empowered feeling. I bet baby giraffes feel super empowered when they first figure out how to walk! Smiley Very Happy

Thank you to our cheer squad: @utopia @TheVorticon @soul @Alone and everyone else that I have forgotten. Smiley Happy

Re: The great yoga adventure

Re: The great yoga adventure

Getting close now @Phoenix_Rising! I still have quite a while but that's ok because I want the traffic to be less busy for the drive. I like the idea of leaving in the dark with some music on to help me find my chill because I am very nervous. 

I'm glad you had a good session with A and that she's been to the same yoga centre. I agree about going being an achievement without any kind of doing, which is an extra achievement. I'll remember this one too. 

So I have finally settled on what I will wear. My riding tights are what I've decided on (which is funny because I didn't really need the painful trips for pants after all). They feel like my skin when I have actually shaved my legs (which almost never happens at the moment :P). I have no idea if it's the right choice but I do know one thing I plan to wear is definitely right. I'm so excited about this one.




There was ONE pair left, hiding right at the back. I saw why they had almost sold out as soon as I saw how cool they are 😄 These will be another reminder that the world will not end when I am a giraffe tonight and that even though I am doing this on my own, I'm not really.

I'm excited about this but more excited about it being over now I think. The quiet little yarn group I have next should be really easy after this one hopefully. 

I'm watching the clock and thinking of you heaps. You've got this!

Not applicable

Re: The great yoga adventure

Dropping in to salute our budding yogis.  Your courage (and socks) will be rewarded with bendy bodies and relaxed minds.  I'm full of admiration and a little bit of jealousy.  Can't wait to hear how it goes 🙂

Re: The great yoga adventure

Forget the yoga ... I want those socks!! How awesome are they!


You'll be right tonight, don't overthink just go and do 🙂  Wear something comfortable that you can move easily in.

If you get nervous just look at those socks (I cant resist saying it, no offense intended)  they're .. quackers! 🙂 


Re: The great yoga adventure

@Phoenix_Rising & @CheerBear. Bet you both have a good time when you get there.
Love love love the socks.
When the Yoga teacher says "bend down and touch your feet" - just remember what she is really trying to say is,
"Bend down and pat your duckies" - lol.
You are both amazing and will have a great time.
A few deep breaths before you walk in.
Can't wait to hear how it goes.

Re: The great yoga adventure

Thank you for dropping by and being part of our cheer squad @Former-Member.

@CheerBear Oh wow, oh boy, I am super super super SUPER excited that you got some duck socks too. Oh we've definitely got this now!!!

@Alone and @utopia sadly I think we have established that yoga tends to happen without socks on, but I'm pretty sure that wearing duck socks to the place definitely has to help with the nerves. Smiley Very Happy

duck socks.jpg

Re: The great yoga adventure's time for this little turtle to head out to the great yoga adventure. I am SO scared!!!

@CheerBear Hopefully I will still be awake to hear how you go this evening. Otherwise I will definitely be checking in first thing in the morning!

So so SO scary...but how super good is it going to feel after we have achieved this!!! And then next week we will be going to week two which is always less scary than week one, and within a few weeks this weekly outing will be a total non-event. Yep, I'm just going to keep telling myself I have to get through the icky week one in order to get to the much less icky week two.

I'm super glad I have a not-friend and that we can do this super scary thing together but not. I was just thinking...even though you and I have never met, our socks probably hung out together at the sock that's ALMOST the same thing as having met you. Smiley LOL

We've got this!!!! See you (and all our awesome cheer squad) on the other side... Smiley Very Happy

Re: The great yoga adventure

Woohoo! Have a great time @Phoenix_Rising!!! Have my fingers and ducky toes crossed that it is super fabulous and heaps of fun 😄

See you soon!