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Re: The great yoga adventure

@Phoenix_Rising. Love your ducky socks. Pity you couldn't find any turtle ones. Lol

Re: The great yoga adventure

Only two sleeps to go @CheerBear!!!!! Forty-eight hours from now I should be reporting in that I survived my first ever yoga class...either that or I will be on my way to hospital with a broken neck or something. Smiley Very Happy

I must remember to actually book into the class tomorrow!

@soul your pictures make me giggle. Thank you for being part of our cheer squad.

Re: The great yoga adventure

Can't wait to hear all about your experiences @Phoenix_Rising@CheerBear. Are these day or night classes?

No backing out now. Failure to attend must be accompanied by a medical certificate. 

Re: The great yoga adventure

@CheerBear as you noted on another thread, the great yoga adventure is now TOMORROW!!!!! Ahhhhhh what crazy lunatic came up with this totally insane idea of a carebear and a turtle doing yoga!!!!

@soul My class is 6-7pm AEST and I think CheerBear said hers is a little later.

I feel SUPER scared!!!!

You have all your clothes sorted out now don't you @CheerBear? I ended up with plain black yoga pants and a really light-weight shirt that I got from the men's department because I wanted something with long enough sleeves to cover where I SH. I am also planning to wear a singlet underneath the top and tuck that into my pants so that I don't feel self-conscious if the shirt rides up. I will wear my new duck socks and my sneakers to the place, but I'm pretty sure the adventure happens in bare feet. I super love my duck socks. I may possibly go back to Big W and buy multiple pairs. Smiley Very Happy

One more sleep!!!! So superly duperly scary...but how superly duperly good will it feel to achieve this!!!!

Re: The great yoga adventure

One more sleep and it's yoga day! We got this @Phoenix_Rising 😄

Yep - clothes are ready. I have a choice between my tights which I use for riding or a lightweight pair of looser track pants which have cuffs at the bottom. Both are dark grey flecked. I have a very short sleeved loose tee/singlet and will also wear a tighter singlet under it I think. This whole clothes thing has been so hard. Hopefully the whole yoga thing will be a little less hard!

@soul my usual class is not on tomorrow so I'm planning on going to a casual class tomorrow night because the plan was to start yoga together but not with @Phoenix_Rising tomorrow and I reeeeeeally want to stick with this plan. The centre isn't open until tomorrow so I can't check if there's a spot free and am really just hoping there is and it will be ok. I'm going to have a quick look around today to see if there's any other classes running tomorrow just in case but I have a feeling this will work out ok.

Re: The great yoga adventure

Re: The great yoga adventure

Haha @soul! Love it 😄

Re: The great yoga adventure

@CheerBear Ahhhhhhhh less than 24 hours now!!!! I booked into the class this afternoon - there's no turning back now!!! I super hope you are able to jump into the casual class tomorrow. I agree that the clothes shopping was a big challenge. The issue of what to wear has been a big barrier for me.

@soul I'm not sure how much calmness is going to be happening in this first class tomorrow. Smiley Happy

When we wake up tomorrow @CheerBear it's going to be today!!!

Re: The great yoga adventure

Woohoo for booking in! Totally wearing those cheer streamers right now @Phoenix_Rising 😄

The clothes thing has done my head in and now I have choices, is likely to keep doing my head in until I am in class and (hopefully) realise it really doesn't matter.

I've had a look around and found a few places running Monday night classes so if I can't get in to this place I will try them. I have someone travelling quite a while to come and look after the little people so I will do what I can to find somewhere. I sort of hope I find a different place that has a spot tomorrow night now because I know I will fall or trip or struggle to keep up or go right when it was supposed to be left. I saw something about doing yoga as gracefully as a baby giraffe learning to walk. That's going to be me for sure. Maybe I should go to all the places once each for this whole term so that next term I am hopefully less baby giraffish 😛 My excitement that we're doing something together but not is more than my fear though. One more sleep!

Re: The great yoga adventure

Hee hee, I love the idea of you going to a different place each week for a term @CheerBear Smiley LOL

I super hope I like the place that I have chosen. The website really does seem very friendly and welcoming.

It is definitely super cool that we are doing this together @CheerBear. Having said that, if you don't manage to arrange a class for tomorrow, don't fret. One week won't make any difference. That will just make me the great trail blazer. Smiley LOL