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Hallucination or delusion?

Hello everyone, I am having some troubles with my psychosis lately. I've been super paranoid and today I could literally feel everyone touching on me on my back. I couldn't shake it off! I read that it might be a tactile hallucination. Is this true, or is it some sort of delusion, or maybe nothing at all? Thanks for reading.


Re: Hallucination or delusion?

@lr237787 Hi Ir237787 and welcome to the forums. I always get the two confused so I have just looked the up. Here is a good link I hope it helps distinguish between the two for you. gp


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Re: Hallucination or delusion?

Hello @lr237787

Welcome to the forums, it is nice to meet you

Sounds like you have been feeling quite paranoid of late which seems difficult to be coping with, so it is helpful you are reaching out on the forums for that extra support right now.

Are you currently getting any other support such as a psychologist to help you cope with feeling paranoid? Sometimes things like talking through it or self-care can be helpful to gain some more control over how you are feeling.

You also might like to Introduce Yourself Here if you feel like it, it can be a good way of getting to know other members, I look forward to getting to know you better


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Re: Hallucination or delusion?

Hi @lr237787
Welcome to the forums, it sounds really hard to go through. It sounds like you are really doing a good job or questioning whats happening and fact checking things as much as you can. I had some scary experiences when i had a break down where i heard things that were very frightening. i didnt and still dont know what to call them (and psychs disagreed on what it was) but the experience was overwhelming and frightening. I hope that you do have some professional suport that you feel you can trust and can support you as well because i know how much it meant to me to have my psych reassuring me during some of that... I hope that the forums are helpful for you. You might like to search for other conversations that talk about halucinations/delusions as well if you like.
Take Care

Re: Hallucination or delusion?

Hey there @lr237787 and welcome to SANE. I've struggled with psychotic issues most of my adult life and have had tactile hallucinations before (where I've thought things were touching me when they weren't). I've found hallucinations can help delusions (false beliefs) to form or reinforce them. As @Former-Member has mentioned, an important ingredient in recovery is having a support network you can trust, do you have a GP/psychiatrist/psychologist you trust that you can discuss this with?

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