26-05-2017 07:44 PM
26-05-2017 07:44 PM
Nice to hear Mr Shaz getting back into photography, huge step
26-05-2017 07:56 PM
26-05-2017 07:56 PM
Thanks @Former-Member, @NikNik xx
Nice to hear Mr Shaz getting back into photography, huge step, I am going to look postive at the moment but I am a bit concern as hubby has been cutting his meds by half and today he said he is going to go off his meds
I can see the differences already but I have told him what I was worried about but he is not listening at all so I am trying to stay postive and hoping that it is not going to go downhill @NikNik
not sure what to do but wait and see
26-05-2017 08:09 PM
26-05-2017 08:42 PM
26-05-2017 08:42 PM
@Shaz51 ... @Former-Member xx
27-05-2017 09:23 AM
27-05-2017 09:23 AM
Wow @Shaz51
Mr Shaz is getting back into poetry - I am glad to hear this and I hope it works for him and the collateral spin-off is good for you too - but
Cutting his medication does not seem like a good idea to me - and he feels better - yes of course he does - it always feels good when people cut back on their medication - at the beginning - but you can tell the difference already and this is a bit scary for you - I am sure he has done this before
But then - he does this sort of thing and all you can do is wait and see what happens
Aw Shaz - how many shoes have fallen already that you are waiting for the next one? Are you waiting for the next one or are you used to this and just wiating, and thinking, and wishing and praying etc
Lots of hugs Shaz
27-05-2017 03:22 PM
27-05-2017 03:22 PM
Mr Shaz is getting back into Photography @Owlunar, which is good , I hope he does , it is his only real hobby he has --
Cutting his medication does not seem like a good idea to me - and he feels better - yes , he said this morning that he is feeling like he felt before going on the meds , so today he has totally cut out his anti anxiety meds altogether
he is staying awake longer , finding it harder to fall asleep straight away and waking up early in the morning and can`t go back to sleep and that was on half of his meds -- today he is totally going off them completly
Are you waiting for the next one or are you used to this and just wiating, and thinking, and wishing and praying etc ---- good point @Owlunar and praying that this time will be different @Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope, @Determined, @soul, @Former-Member, @Blueberry, @Anony18, @NikNik, @Former-Member, @Former-Member, @CherryBomb, @Appleblossom, @Rose96, @JoJo99
27-05-2017 03:37 PM
27-05-2017 03:37 PM
27-05-2017 03:38 PM
27-05-2017 03:38 PM
Hi @Shaz51,
What a beautiful soul you are. Your husband is a very lucky man.
All you can do is support him, in his Selfcare decisions.... It's his body, his mind.
Only when he asks you for your opinion you can tell him that you love him dearly and you are sure he isn't going to like your opion, but.... As carers we all know what predicament you're in.
I hope you have a good support Network set up. Better still, I hope your beloved's journey is going to be a smooth one for both of you. I'm looking forward seeing some of his photo's?
Take heaps of care of yourself ShazzaBazzaxx
27-05-2017 03:45 PM
27-05-2017 03:45 PM
Thank you @Grasshopper3, @soul xx
means soo much to me having forum friends as we don`t have any friends otherwise
my SIL is going off her meds and now my hubby , sooo our mum`s are a bit worried about their decision
how are you today my friends
27-05-2017 03:51 PM
27-05-2017 03:51 PM
I have been sitting down for too long and gotta get moving, but son's still asleep (its nearly 2pm)
I am going to get going now, before I stiffen up like an old lady lol
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