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Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Not bad @Shaz51 and you?

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

I had morning tea with my mum, aunty, uncle, cousin and second cousin this morning , very nice , very noisy

home now on the computer @soul, @JoJo99, @Former-Member, @Determined, @Grasshopper3

might make some toasted sandwiches for lunch


Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness


Sure you can ask, I am nearly 55years old Shazzabazza, and I learned I need to keep moving, otherwise I stiffen up.

Enjoy your lunch! It sounds you still have quite a bit of family around you, coming to see you for a coffee.

It must be a busy time for you, the chatter and catering, when all you want to do is rest.

In a way I am lucky, I can pick my time to Skype them as my family as they live overseas, (and daughter interstate) 

Other days, I feel frustrated as I cannot help them or hug them when my mum's had another fall. (mum suffers from Parkinsons and dad is her carer. 

I hope you do get some enjoyment out of their visits, they wouldn't visit you and your hubby if they didnt care?

How is hubby today?



Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

thank you @Grasshopper3 

but  they never come to visit us i afraid Smiley Sad

I went to my mum`s by myself this morning for a cuppa with my mum who is 85 and she had visitors

mum is still recovering from having a bowel surgery where they removed 15 inches of dead bowel which had died

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hey @Shaz51 @Faith-and-Hope
Quick check in to say 'ello 'ello to you lovely ladies.

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hello @Former-Member, @Grasshopper3, @soul, @JoJo99, @Determined, @Anony18, @Former-Member, @Rose96, @Owlunar

My Husband has written this down for me to write hear about his thoughts

he wrote ; My thoughts lately is that life is a game of survival and I DON`t  WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE !!!!!

After 57 years of life i would like to just sit it out , I DON`T WANT TO PLAY ANYMORE

exspecially when you see and hear how much harder it`s getting for everyone

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Is this crossing the line? Do you need to call in back up?

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Oh no @Shaz51
Hugs to you. ๐Ÿ˜ข

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

This is how my darling feels so really feelimg for you at the moment. It is soooo hard ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

He is still talking @Determined, @Former-Member which is good

I am trying not to cry , years ago I would be crying by now and he would be getting more and more upset