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Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Hello @JoJo99 @Faith-and-Hope

have you any different thoughts, suggestions Faith?

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Hi @JoJo99 .... do you want to talk about this some more, or are you feeling sort-of settled for the moment ?  Happy to lend an ear if you like .....

Hi @Former-Member ... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Hi @Former-Member app this morning to try to get daughter back into mental health system. No calls from her last night so wonderful peace and quiet. Feeling clearer this morning and not so down. Fingers crossed that today is a good one.
The girl I run the rescue with father is dying any day so no time off as I'm covering for her.
Today seems much brighter ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Glad to hear it @JoJo99 ..... ๐ŸŒท

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

@JoJo99 wrote:
Hi @Former-Member app this morning to try to get daughter back into mental health system. No calls from her last night so wonderful peace and quiet. Feeling clearer this morning and not so down. Fingers crossed that today is a good one.
The girl I run the rescue with father is dying any day so no time off as I'm covering for her.
Today seems much brighter ๐Ÿ™‚

hello @JoJo99 @Faith-and-Hope

Yes your reply sounds as though  you have some structure happening.

It is true the old saying "sleep on it".  Sometimes things haven't changed but the way we ourselves are looking at it or feeling within ourselves shifts the perspective and takes away some of the weight.

Good news that attempts in place to get your daughter back in the mental health system.

Sorry to hear about helpers father, that also would be in the back of your mind no doubt.

Again please be aware of your needs in this whole equation. Says moi who puts herself last and that is if I even remember me. I am working hard at putting this in practice now, living in the now.

You can work at yours with me if you like.

Shall we start a section still on the same page. Let's keep it easy as trying to remember who posted what and where, which side sometimes does my head in.

So today I am back at the dentist, then this afternoon the physiotherapist.

Hilarious looking back all of the hard work the physiotherapist was doing was possibly undone if he could have seen my posture on that dentist chair when I was subjected to all of those needles and such heavy tugging. I think I literally left the chair and was suspended in mid air by my tooth!!!

So today for me a walk when I get back from the physiotherapist.

What do you have in mind for today @JoJo99 @Faith-and-Hope @Shaz51 @Former-Member @Grasshopper3 @patientpatient @ivana @Former-Member actually Darcy had put this in place on a previous post so it is Darcy's idea. Thank you Darcy. @soul

Sorry if have left anyone out.

Please tell us all your news all when you have the time and if writing your thoughts out on here is part of your time for you that in itself is good too. 

take care all

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Hi @Former-Member, thanks for callout. I'm flat today but need to tidy up x10 years of procrastinating, get into some of these half finished projects round the place... Hope the dentist isnt so traumatic - gosh my blood ran cold reading about your last visit (you write so well) ๐ŸŒท

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Hey @Former-Member
if you can just get one small job done today it will be an achievement. That is my plan...

dentist v physio uurghh...

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Morning everyone .... ๐Ÿ’•

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

Morning @Faith-and-Hope ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ’•

Re: Long Term caring and it's problems

hello @Former-Member @Former-Member

today's dentist scenario:   attaching of temporary bridge to cover up gaping whole from previous saga

I did my usual asking 20 questions and none the wiser for the effort. I would have thought that was a clue to let me know more injections on  their way!!!

So 4 more injections, 3 initially then when I nearly went through the ceiling as he touched previous inflamed area near gaping hole, another injection followed.

I still dont understand as someone mentioned all that pharmaceutical stuff entering my body i was probably in shock again.

temporary bridge to stay in for 6 months. when I asked what was going to replace said temporary bridge, answer was a technician will need to look at probably involve some metal clips or something. dont quote me i decided not to listen any further. i will worry about it in 6 months time.

Ended up at physiotherapists 2hours early as I am trying to ask my physiotherapist attempting to get in his car in car park when I rocked up. Bearing in mind half of my mouth only worked so insidious smile on my face. he thought it was hilarious.

He is great, he and his wife are having their 1st baby due on 22nd may so happy times.

I do hope I haven't put anyone off going to the dentist!!