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Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

One of the more challenging components of the NDIS I believe is being able to translate complex mental health ‘symptoms’ into the disability language that is required for the NDIS and also being able to specify what supports are required to assist with addressing these needs – I believe that this is because carers often ‘take it for granted’ what supports we provide on a daily basis – we do these things because of love for our family members!

Also, it is often difficult to find the right agency to provide support workers once an NDIS plan has been approved, as you have mentioned @Determined .  This is particularly due to the mental health organisations having their own versions of what recovery means and this results in organisations not being flexible and person-centred, in my opinion.  The right support worker, I believe, are those who are flexible, empathic, caring and skilled

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Juat saw your last comment after I posted @SarahPeerAmb 

I think independent advocate would be a great way to describe the lady I was talking about above.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

oh! @Determined @SarahPeerAmb I love the term "independent advocate" 🙂 So many learnings tonight.

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Time is slipping by! @Determined @SarahPeerAmb 😄 @Shaz51 @Former-Member  And anyone else following along...


Second last Question of the night!



What has everyone found useful to assist in understanding the NDIS and the steps and processes involved? Share your strategies!


Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Also should have noted earlier S1 disability is actually intellectual. I am here on the forums as I support my wife with mh challenges.

Appreciate the link back on page 2ish to how ndis links with mh support. I will be following up on that. Kind of running on empty here and there is a hole in my bucket lol. And I am aware I am fare from alone in that boat. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

I attend as many community forums about the NDIS as I can – there are often free workshops held by a range of non-government providers, state government services and the NDIS. At each of these forums I learn something different about the NDIS, especially in the past year or so, as the NDIS has changed over time based on feedback from participants, their families and service providers, so it is important to keep up to date with the latest developments and seek out as much information and support as you can. In fact, I hadn't been to a community forum for a while, but I went to one today put on by my local Federal MP and I learnt a couple of new things! Yay! I believe that the key is to go to a RANGE of different forums put on by a range of different providers/organisations/individuals, as they all have different perspectives as @Determined mentioned earlier

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

@Determined Yeah I can definitely hear how it would feel like that throughout the journey. You're a very resilient support person. This little community is always here to hold space and listen alongside you 🙂 And again, so appreciative of your sharing tonight. I am sure a lot of members will read over and relate in some way - so thank you Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT


I think the above mentioned advocate.

Although that is not what I initially approached the provider for and not sure how that term would fit our plan it is structured in such a way that it will. 

I feel for people who don't have that as I would still be treading water without it.


It is my belief that the govt would get much more benefit from the massive ndis investment if they put in place funded services like that. Or better equipped lac's to do this. '*noting that it is a failure if the system more than lac's who feel their hands are tied in advising such things. 


I have heard numerous reports of people who feel they are worse off under ndis and now wonder if it is more, like I was, they are juat not asking the right questions ? Or asking questions in the right way? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Definitely an interesting perspective at the end there @Determined... It could be possible that people aren't aware of all the different angles we can explore whilst engaging with the NDIS, our wonderful @SarahPeerAmb has certainly helped there. But no doubt, like every system, there's room for improvement. Better equipped LACs sounds key, agreed.

Re: Topic Tuesday // NDIS: A Carers Journey // Tues 19 Nov, 7pm AEDT

Free workshops at NGOs! What an awesome tip @SarahPeerAmb