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Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Is it an eating disorder if you can only stand the taste of a small range of foods? Like, if the taste of most foods makes you feel physically ill?


I have huge social problems with food because there's a very limited amount of foods I can stand to eat - purely because of the taste (i.e. nothing to do with weight or appearance); and that creates enormous problems for me because it makes me very visably unusual in social situations involving food. If you ask me over for dinner, I'll almost certainly hate what you are serving up.


I just wish there was somewhere I could go where food doesn't exist; a place that doesn't have an "eating culture". A place where I could go to have social bonds without anyone shoving food under my face that's going to make me want to throw up.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@BPDSurvivor thank you for your kind words and for being so welcoming!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Take Care @BlueBay 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@cloudcore wrote:

Hi @chibam , your experience with your therapist refusing to disclose the side effects of your medication must been so challenging and scary. We should definitely have the right to make an informed choice about the medication we're taking!

More confusing then scary, @cloudcore . I didn't know how to navigate the system, so I just did what I was told. I wish that, at the time, I'd been more of a sceptic.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@SarahBee Question 7: What help is available to support you?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

@BPDSurvivor - unfortunately i have some communication challenges with speech and i dissoicate. i tried a therapist via zoom (when it worked) but she felt really like she couldnt support me from afar and couldnt understand me and with the calls dropping in and out she said it was more harm tha help.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Thank you so much for being here with us @BlueBay  - I appreciate your sharing your story with us❤️

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

What help is available to support you?

I highly recommend checking out the Butterfly Foundation, they have a great website and helpline for support.

If you’re in Victoria, Eating Disorder Victoria are doing fabulous things for the Eating Disorder community. They have supports available and wonderful peer groups.

Inside Out have a great quiz you can use to see what your relationship with food and body image is like and they provide details to appropriate services.

In addition to your Mental Health Care Plan through Medicare and your GP, you can also access a specialised Eating Disorder Plan which involves Medicare subsidies for 20 dietitian appointments and 40 sessions with a mental health clinician. Chat with your GP about your eligibility.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi thought id reply to you.i went thru a patch were i only ate im the same i just dont want to eat,i cant be bothered cooking im here if you want to chat.i know how you feel.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Body Image and Eating Disorders // Tues 28th September, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Unfortunately we have come to the end of our time tonight for this discussion- time moves so quickly! 


Thank you to you all for sharing your stories and holding each other's with kindness and openness tonight. I hope it is a space where you have been able to take something from this discussion to bring forward in your own journey Heart @BlueBay @Gammy @Erica5 @Millieme @RedHorse @frog @Shaz51 @HenryX @BPDSurvivor @MDT @chibam 


To the incredible @SarahBee, we are so, so grateful for your insights and courage in sharing your story and experiences. You have such a powerful way with words, and there are so many key phrases, quotes and learnings we will take away from this discussion. I have enjoyed sharing in your recovery journey and hearing how far you have come!


Thank you as well to @cloudcore for all your support and kindness tonight (and always!)