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Casual Contributor

daudie mush

can someone tell me the difference bewteen listening to the thoughts in your head, and hearing voices?

when you hear a voice is it your voice ? or anothers voice ?

if it's your voice you hear, then are they just thoughts being vocalised? or is that classed as having voices in your head?



you get me? 


Re: daudie mush

Hi @tiger
thought you might like to follow this conversation

started by @JT and @kristin

Re: daudie mush

Well I'd never really thought about that....
I "hear" my voice all the time. I feel like it's "quieter" when I'm feeling okay, where it's kinda constant when I'm down, all I can think is how pointless I am, and thinks and plans. That's where I have to try and fight back. Try and disprove that...
But doesn’t everybody?? That's just the inner voice isn't it??
No you've got me wondering....

Re: daudie mush

Hey @t

Re: daudie mush

Oops hey @tiger
I think whether it is listening to our own voice or hearing other voices that are not our own, the main thing is whether the thoughts or voice or voices are distressing us..Many people have experience of hearing voices according to a recent research paper that was global, I the no it was widely posted on Facebook and in mainstream newspapers..I think the study was of 31,000 people all over the world, and I think it was co-rearched by the University of Queensland. The main points were that many people have had o e or two experiences of voices, that it didn't develop always int

Re: daudie mush

Stupid phone. The study found it didn't always develop into a persistent ongoing experience and it cut across all socio economic backgrounds..another really good thing to tap into is the Hearing Voices Network or VoicesVic, there are voices groups all over the world. Peer led, mostly, and offer support, strategies and a safe space to explore one's relationship with voices. Groups go for an hour, followed by a cuppa.
Some people have also found grow groups as a way of recovering or accepting voices..
There are huge amounts of info and resources around voices, visual disturbances all sorts of things that people may experience differently..
And there are Ted talks to view like Eleanor Longdren, Rufus May, Ron Coleman.. Who have who have written books as well. There are different ways of.viewing voices culturally as well..
Hope some of this is useful for you 🙂