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Can a service be taken away from you!?

I’ve been working closely with the HOPE program, and whilst it’s been good; it’s also had its ups and downs. As part of my safety plan, I’m to call psych triage if I’m struggling, but I’ve had such a bad experience with them, that I no longer feel I not only can’t reach out to them; but to also reach out to my social worker during the week for additional support.


I’m really worried that, if I tell my social worker my mental health is deteriorating and my SI is becoming stronger than before; will they just see it as omg this is a waste of time, what’s the point, we can’t help her? Or will they see it as I need further support?


in terrified to tell them in case I lose my spot on the program. 


Re: Can a service be taken away from you!?

Hey @MedicalMystery ,


I'm hearing you. One thing I need to emphasise is that whilst your experience with triage was not the best ONCE, I don't believe they have the same person on all the time. I've experienced this myself with psych triage. Unless it's the same day/night you are calling, you generally get someone else.


I've also had not-very-helping people answering the phones on triage.


Another thing to note is that that is the nature of Mental Health. It can be better some days, and not so good other days. Those working in the HOPE Program know that.


As for getting the service removed, it is a timed program. That is, you don't get it forever. The only reason you would be removed from the program is if you end up in hospital. From what I know, in the past, it went for about 6 weeks.


Hope this answers some of your concerns.


We are here if you want a chat about it. I've certainly been a regular caller of psych triage and you know the most helpful is that they know who you are, have all your notes and you don't have the repeat yourself a million times. They will also notify your key clinician each time you call which is helpful because it helps them work with you.

Re: Can a service be taken away from you!?

Hi @MedicalMystery I hear that it's scary speaking up about these feelings, especially after having a bad experience with the psych triage service when you last reached out.


I do think that it's important to reach out to your social worker to let them know that your current safety plan isn't working for you because you don't feel comfortable calling the psych triage and talk about revising it together. 


I'm sure that many others going through this program have struggled when going through it, and have seen their mental health decline again.  


I know it's scary but I would encourage you to speak up with your social worker to let them know that you're struggling and that you need more support right now. It's totally okay to need that support, recovery isn't a straight line and the program should be tailored to match your needs.

Re: Can a service be taken away from you!?

Hello @MedicalMystery,


I really feel you, it can be really hard to talk about these type of things due to fear of judgement and consequences, having had bad experiences in reaching out before like you did with psych triage can compound this. I'm sorry you had to go through that.


You shouldn't hold back from telling your social worker what you're going through, you can tell them how much the program means to you. They're not going to think you're a waste of time or beyond help, you wouldn't be the first person they have worked with who has been through this, they will know exactly what to do and that you just need extra support 💜