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Re: getting to know you

hello @outlander  i thought i bring this thread forward , i think it is great '

hello @JoJo99 , @Tiggeroo , @Anony18 , @Louiethefly , @Former-Member , @Determined , @Razzle , @Appleblossom , @sara , @Former-Member , @Adge , @PeppiPatty , @Faith-and-Hope , @Janiee 

Re: getting to know you

Hi @Shaz51   This is a great thread 👍😀. Let’s see, a bit about me:


what is your favourite:

colour? Blue

song?  Anything by Conrad Sewel,

            Dean Lewis or Pink 

band? Does above count?

tv show? Big Bang Theory, can only

                watch repeats now 😢

movie?  Steel Magnolias 😭😭

book?  Wuthering Heights or Pillars Of 

             The Earth 

sport?  Field Hockey

flower?  Sun flower 

food?  Custard tart - custard anything

drink?  Diet Coke 

animal?  Dog


do you have any pets?  Dog

what colour hair do you have? Natural?

                  Probs grey.  Dyed: dark

                   brown, blond and red


long/medium/short hair? Medium 

what colour eyes do you have? Blue

do you have a nationality besides australian? No

how long have you been caring for? 2

           years - full time around 3 months 

how did you get into being a carer? I 

           care for my mum, she was in

           hospital and dr wouldn’t let her 

            go home alone so I moved in

            full time the day they wanted to

            move her to respite as a 

            stepping stone to a nursing  
