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Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi Shaz51

It's great to hear that you are so supportive of your husband. What are some of the tips that you would give to other carers?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Welcome @davidharper_bal and thank you for joining us!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@frog, mr shaz knows what you mean 

when he is low he is low 

but when he is high he believes he can do anything 


Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

@SusanaBA  Hi SusanaBA what is the difference between schizophrenia and bipolar?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @Strivetothrive 

Sometimes bipolar II can feature "hypomania" which is less obvious. The person can seem super bubbly and fun, have more energy than normal, etc.

Take a look at  to see some of the things that might indicate bipolar in people who have experienced depression.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

For more information, here are a few videos about defining bipolar disorder as well


Good simple videos about defining bipolar disorder:

A fun crash course about what is bipolar disorder

Explore the medical condition known as bipolar disorder, and learn about its symptoms, causes, and treatments. -- The word bipolar means 'two extremes.' For the many millions experiencing bipolar disorder around the world, life is split between two different realities: elation and depression. So ...
Hundreds of thousands of current & future clinicians learn by Osmosis. We have unparalleled tools and materials to prepare you to succeed in school, on board exams, and as a future clinician. Sign up for a free trial at Subscribe to our Youtube channel at ...

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Hi @davidharper_bal

It took a year to come to terms with the label, and another one to get workable medication.

Then the 'why' was actually quite liberating. I have less of the 'what's wrong with me' thoughts (though I guess I will never entirely escape them), and more acceptance of the difficulties, and differences Bipolar brings. I think I am a more compassionate, insightful person because I live with it,

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

The psychosis are very diferent. In Bipolar once it is treated it stops, for schizophrenia psychosis is permanent in the form of voices mostly 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

So wonderfully put @frog. That feeling of liberation is a wonderful one! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Let's Talk About Bipolar // Tues 23rd March, 7:00-8:30PM AEDT

Does anyone not want to be on their medications. My mental health nurse said that if I went off them I would be a candidate for schizophrenia ..... I am just so sick of all of this.