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Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I did disclose some of my MI to my Principal at the time I became unwell @Ultravox and it could not have been better received - she was absolutely behind me all the way until she left. More recently I have alluded to my mental health but not disclosed exactly. In our team there are several others who have their own ongoing issues so in a way it is through our own lived experiences that we can both relate to, support and care for each other - often with nothing needed to be said as we just now.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

finding now that happy medium between work and life ...still working on it but it has been life changing for me. --- yes very true my sister @Zoe7 and trying to help mr shaz in that too , which is chanaging to find that balance sometimes 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I am frightened to tell the boss. I personally find the stigma too much. I have even found my doctors don't take me seriously sometimes when I have a medical concern because I have a mental illness. I guess I fear tge boss will use it as an excuse  when anything happens 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi BlueBay, that was not very nice to happen at all to employ you, only to be cut and your hours given to two juniots. Some employers take advantage of employees. Might be good to find out your rights at Fair Work Commission.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

2a No

2b Always, if put that on application, would not work @Daisydreamer 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

I'm too scared to tske a sick day because it's been overheard by my friend if I take a sick day I will lose my job. 
I'm too scared @Ultravox @Daisydreamer 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @chibam such a great question! I might also flag your question for @Ultravox as they work in a TAFE and might have some ideas about who can link you in with roles that suit your skills and interests.

You are right about finding the right job and finding the things that matter the most to you in a role. Such a great list you have mentioned that contribute to a positive work experience! Have you had conversations with those in your team about how important finding meaningful work is to you? Are they receptive?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Bill16 and welcome ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

that is not good my sister @BlueBay HeartHeart

Re: Topic Tuesday // Employment and Mental Health // Tues 8th June, 7:00-8:30PM AEST

Hi Chibam, it is difficult like you said to decide on what career or course to do at times. At TAFEs they sometimes have a Skills and Careers person who you can speak to to explore your strengths and interests to find out what best fits your situation.