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TW: Voluntary Assisted Dying - Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hi, everyone, I hope you are all managing things as best you can.

I'll cut right to the chase in order not to waste anyone's time.


I will be meeting with a politician in the House of Representatives next Thursday (23rd, May) to discuss some issues related to mental health. These issues are of personal importance to me, but I would love to get input from members of this chat rather than just give my own opinions. 

I would ask that we keep this respectful and not impose political views or opinions on anyone.

Firstly, I will discuss the importance of work in terms of the positive benefits it provides and the necessity for flexible arrangements to support people's ability to take ad hoc ‘time-out’ to address mental health needs free from the stress of depleting sick leave or other leave entitlements. Also, given the increased casualisation of the workforce, many people have to take leave without pay, which places additional financial stressors on many.

What can we do to make things easier for people in this regard? What are your thoughts and personal experiences on this topic?


Second, I will discuss what I refer to as slipping through the cracks of support services. For example, the process and eligibility requirements for the Disability Support Pension (DSP) are not attainable for many; the process is extremely long and, for many people, likely to fail on the first attempt. I know personally that I would not qualify as I work too much, but the only reason I work too much is that I have bills to pay and do not want to be homeless. I have been told to go on Jobseeker or reduce my hours to less than 15 P/W to meet eligibility requirements. This is not feasible as Jobseeker or 15 hrs P/W would barely cover rent.

I've also been told by healthcare professionals that I would most likely not get DSP on the first attempt despite my diagnosis (Complex PTSD, Anxiety, Depression).
It is the same for Disability Employment Scheme (DES).


What can we do to make things easier for people in this regard? What are your thoughts and personal experiences on this topic?


Finally, I will discuss Voluntary Assisted Dying (VAD) and Mental illness.


Content/trigger warning

For example, the last 2-3 years have been a living nightmare; my quality of life is extremely low, and the thought of doing this for another 35-40 years does not sit well with me. I have exhausted all meds and nearly all types of psychotherapy and have not seen any change whatsoever. Sure, things may improve in the future, but how long do I wait? 5, 10, or 20 years? 


Basically, I want my bodily autonomy, including how and when I die. When the time comes that I've had enough, I would prefer to access VAD as it offers a painless, peaceful exit and would allow me to get my affairs in order before my exit without leaving a literal and figurative mess for others to clean up.
What are your thoughts on this? Do you think that people with serious mental illness should be allowed to access VAD?




Take care, 





Re: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

1. No comment
2. NDIS lacks for mentally interesting folk. I was signed up without my consent in 2018 and I found it traumatic with their approach to MH. So I opted out and doctors etc still sometimes try to coerce me onto it
3. My sister works in Aged Care, in a home which supports VAD and she describes the experience for the family of the patient. Based on that, I view it as something which should be very restricted

Re: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hi @Former-Member 


Thank you for the questions. 


1. Sick leave for the casual work force was a start, although I believe this has just been scrapped? Flexible work arrangements can also help. 


2. I believe there should be an independent advocacy/bulk-billed service to help facilitate applications for people needing to access disability services. Usually people require some sort of assistance or advocacy to apply. The paperwork and co-ordination requirements impact the most vulnerable, as a result they often miss out or need multiple application attempts.


Content/trigger warning
Trigger Warning

3. Bodily autonomy is important. Agreed that there are ethical considerations that should be in place, such as ensuring the person has access to all treatments and time, etc. However I would hope that the option was open for mental health and life quality as well as physical illness, and at least open to application on a case by case basis, if necessary.


Re: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Can you please put a trigger warning on this post? You may not personally view this post as discussing/promoting suicide, but the topic of someone ending their life due to mental illness is incredibly triggering, and naturally brings up suicide-related baggage for me. To me, this post is encouraging death as the best option for a percentage of mentally ill people. That's how I perceive it, even if that's not what's intended. So please put a trigger warning on this. There are many of us on this forum who are struggling with the urge to end our lives due to mental illness, and this post is dangerous to read for those of us who are fighting to stay alive.

Nothing is even hidden by an expandable section. This is an unsafe post for mentally ill people like me.

@tyme I think you're online right now, could you please take a look at the content in this post?

Re: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hey @D1ng0 ,


Sure thing!  I can certainly add that in.

Re: TW: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

What are your thoughts on this? Do you think that people with serious mental illness should be allowed to access VAD?


Hi @Former-Member 

Watching someone slowly die from an incurable disease over many years, I totally support VAD. Unfortunately as his physical health worsened, his mental health did too. He ended up with major depression from his physical illness. So not only did he have to deal with his physical health deteriorating, he had to deal with his mental health deteriorating too.


Do have some views on the other 2 topics (and will try to comment later), but have very strong feelings about this one

Re: TW: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hey @chibam @Jlol @Historylover and others,


We'd be interested to hear your thoughts if you are up to sharing.

Re: TW: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

"without leaving a literal and figurative mess for others to clean up"

this is a really horrific reminder of the post-suicide situations in my family, and the things loved ones had to "clean up" afterwards. is this forum the type of space where post-suicide clean up can be discussed without a specific tw:suicide warning beforehand? and without anything being hidden by an expandable section? the title just says "Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society" and then explicitly discusses the benefits of dying because life is that hopeless.

i started reading this post with no indication that it would discuss mentally ill people killing themselves

Re: TW: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hey @D1ng0 ,


Thank you for flagging this with us. 


We have included a TW above.

Re: TW: Your thoughts & personal experiences regarding current mental health issues in society

Hi @D1ng0 

I'm sorry if I triggered you or anyone else.

That wasn't my intention

I hope you are going ok today

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